February 4, 2008 - LodgeNet Interactive Corp. will showcase its Interactive Patient Television System for addressing quality of care and costs at HIMSS Feb. 25-28 in Orlando.

The company says deploying LodgeNetRX will benefit hospitals with improved patient satisfaction, enhanced quality of care, and increased profitability using interactive TVs to access on-demand patient education and interactive hospital information.

The company says the system allows patients to access the information on their TVs instead of having registered nurses walking room-to-room with a video cart.

The manufacturer estimates only about 12 percent of nurse button calls require an actual registered nurse. Many calls include ordering meals, an additional pillow or linens, or requests for movies and patient education programs, which can be a drain on nurses’ time.

The system also allows patients to fill out online surveys, alerting the staff if their experience is not up to par and enabling them to address the problem.

The company has deployed its interactive systems in 18 hospitals to date and close to 30 others have signed agreements with LodgeNetRX to install the service in the near future.

For more information: www.lodgenetrx.com

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