April 30, 2008 - Kimberly-Clark Healthcare and 3M Healthcare said today they formed a collaborative effort to empower central sterilization (CS) personnel in U.S. hospitals and raise awareness about their role in infection prevention.

The “I Am Central” campaign will be unveiled at the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management (IAHCSMM) conference held May 3-7 in Reno, NV. Kimberly-Clark and 3M will provide participating hospitals with a campaign toolkit that contains educational information, brochures, posters and Post-it notes, all branded with the “I Am Central” theme. Hospitals are encouraged to kick-off an internal campaign to foster awareness about the importance and impact of the CS department within a medical facility.

Kimberly-Clark’s Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing John Amat said by ensuring medical devices and equipment are sterile and safe for use, CS personnel play a vital role in the continuum of patient care. Doug Patton, global business manager for 3M sterilization assurance, said the campaign is the company’s way of applauding the important contribution CS personnel make to high quality patient care.

For more information: www.kchealthcare.com, www.kchealthcare.com

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