August 15, 2007 - Innovative Spinal Technologies Inc. (ITS) announced the U.S. commercial launch of the Paramount VBR System for minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery.

FDA cleared in January 2007, the Paramount VBR System has been available in limited release since February and is now available nationwide.

The Paramount VBR System, according to the company, is leading the next generation in minimally invasive transforaminal implant delivery. The innovative implant inserter design reportedly offers an unprecedented level of control and maneuverability for precise implant placement. When combined with a broad selection of bulleted, anatomically correct PEEK-OPTIMA implants, the system is said to deliver intraoperative versatility and performance at all lumbar levels of the spine.
"The consistent and accurate delivery of the implant with the Paramount VBR System is unlike any other system I have used," said Dr. Ali Araghi of Phoenix, AZ, who performed the first worldwide surgery of the system. "The delivery instrumentation combined with the advanced implant design, provides excellent load sharing, height restoration and significant volume for graft material within and surrounding the implant.”

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