Invivo Corp.’s Luminescence advanced breast MRI coil system is for sites utilizing 8, 16 and 32 channel MRI systems.
The system is an ergonomic modular design with reportedly comfortable patient positioning accessories. The system is available with both interventional coil and an optional 16-channel diagnostic coil.
The Luminescence aims to deliver high signal to noise ratio, isotropic sub-millimeter voxel images, excellent image uniformity and parallel imaging performance, all with a fast acquisition time. The Luminescence 16 channel technology also optimizes the acquisition of advanced imaging techniques such as spectroscopy and diffusion.
The Luminescence Breast System is specially designed to provide access for interventional procedures with cranial access as well as improved lateral and medial access for minimally invasive breast interventions. This design minimizes distance to the biopsy site of commonly found upper-outer quadrant lesions.
Further aiding the clinician as they perform their MRI guided procedures, is a system powered fiber optic LED with 12 light points built into the coil design for optimal illumination of the interventional site.