September 24, 2007 — Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. recently announced the release of the OCS2 Ojemann Cortical Stimulator at this week's annual meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons in San Diego, CA.
The OCS2 Ojemann Cortical Stimulator has an FDA clearance in the United States and a CE Mark Certification in the European Union.
Originally developed in collaboration with Dr. George Ojemann at the University of Washington, the new device contains updated electronics and an improved design for usability. The Ojemann Cortical Stimulator is the industry standard for cortical stimulation procedures that identify and map eloquent tissue during brain surgery. It is a compact, battery-powered unit, which supplies up to 20 milliamps constant current, and has easy to use controls for treatment in awake and anesthetized patients.
The neurosurgeon's primary goal, for patients with brain cancer and epilepsy, is to completely remove abnormal tissue while sparing normal areas. During surgery, the neurosurgeon places the OCS probe onto the brain's cortex in all areas surrounding tissue considered for resection. Responses to direct cortical stimulation reveal the functional areas, either by evoking an observed motor response in an anesthetized patient, or for an awake patient, triggering sensations or causing an interruption in the patient's speech. These responses help the neurosurgeon determine the boundaries between abnormal and normal areas, and facilitate removal of the cancer or epileptic region.
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