February 22, 2008 - InfoLogix Inc. will launch the SurgiChip, a real-time wireless solution designed to address leading causes of surgical identity and procedure mistakes in hospitals, at HIMSS 2008.

SurgiChip is a verification system using RFID technology in an automated, controlled process to identify and document that a surgical team performs the proper procedure on the correct patient at the right surgical site prior to the start of a procedure, said InfoLogix.

SurgiChip aims to provide an electronic audit trail to verify compliance with the Joint Commission's Universal Protocol and is HIPAA compliant, using encryption algorithms to secure patient data at all times.

The chip provides electronic verification of comprehensive patient, surgical site and procedural data both in pre-op and in the OR. As part of InfoLogix’s enterprise mobility software suite for the healthcare industry, SurgiChip was designed for real time connectivity utilizing existing WLAN infrastructure to bridge the communication gap with all members of the surgical team.

For more information: visit www.infologix.com

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