Hitachi's SceptreC Cardiac PET system designed specifically for cardiac PET, and may serve as an as an alternative solution to SPECT or PET/CT for myocardial perfusion and viability studies. The SceptreC utilizes both Rubidium-82 for myocardial perfusion and 18-FDG for myocardial viability procedures. "Whole-body PET/CT offers significant throughput advantages for oncology,” said Raymond Wtulich, PET and PET/CT product manager, Hitachi Medical Systems America Inc. “However, in cardiac imaging only one bed position is required for a stress or rest acquisition, making dedicated PET a comparable throughput solution at a dramatically lower cost for both equipment and service.”
With reportedly just 40-second acquisition times for both stress and rest myocardial perfusion, SceptreC is also optimized with 3-D Pico electronics to provide high-count rate capability and equipped with cardiac quantification software to deliver an alternative to SPECT or PET/CT.