May 1, 2008 - Today Hayes Inc. launched Hayes TECHNOLOGY PROGNOSIS, an online, horizon-scanning service that provides hospitals, insurers and policy makers with a forward-looking view of the changing health technology landscape.

TECHNOLOGY PROGNOSIS enables Hayes clients to stay abreast of new medical technologies, including drugs, biologics, devices and procedures, up to three years before they enter the marketplace, as well as newly approved technologies that have not yet been widely adopted. It also tracks emerging technologies as they go through the regulatory approval process.

This subscription service includes four levels of horizon scanning, with reportedly the most in-depth being TECHNOLOGY PROGNOSIS Notes, which includes a summary of ongoing clinical trials, a review of available evidence, a perspective on the size of the potential market, a view of the likelihood and time frame of regulatory approval, as well as an overview of current technologies that will be impacted by the new drug or device.

In addition, TECHNOLOGY PROGNOSIS issues Quarterly Trend reports that give five-year projections for a specific therapeutic area or service line.

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