Feb. 23, 2007 - Seal Shield Corp. is introducing the first products in a complete family of infection control solutions at the 2007 HIMSS show in New Orleans, LA, Feb. 26-March 1. Notably, Seal Shield will be unveiling the company's signature products, the SEAL SHIELD Medical Grade Washable Keyboard and Mouse. According to the company, the SEAL SHIELD Keyboard and Mouse are the first ever to be fully submersible and dishwasher safe.

Seal Shield's products have been developed in response to the demand from healthcare organizations for disinfectant solutions to combat the spread of cross contamination infections. This year over 2 million patients will contract an infection while seeking treatment in a US hospital. Of those, close to 100,000 people will die, making hospital acquired infections a top 10 killer of Americans. Complicating this epidemic, a strain of antibiotic resistant staph infections, MRSA, has emerged in hospitals worldwide.

The recent rise in hospital acquired infections, and the lack of an effective treatment for MRSA, has prompted healthcare providers to reexamine their cleaning protocols in an effort to reduce cross contaminations. In response to the demand from major hospitals, Seal Shield has developed a family of common computer input devices which can be disinfected and washed in order to prevent the spread of bacterial infection.

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