The Evolution of Radiology

Themed Blog Series
Boxes aren’t cutting it any more in radiology. Who’s impressed today by the 23 hundredth-of-a-second rotating gantry; the wide bore, ultra-short 3T;…
It’s All About the Patient
There is no greater force today in radiology than the patient.  Some might argue that financial issues matter more. But they don’t. Without the…
imaging evolution
During the eighties and nineties — the heydays of radiology — sexism abounded on the RSNA exhibit floor. Gone today are the women who were stationed…
Imaging’s Evolution Fulfills Patient-centric Destiny
The 1990s were cast by myth and ambition. Taxi drivers wearing caps hyping digital radiography (DR); banners atop RSNA booths announcing the arrival…
evolution, radiology
A Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers and says, “Five beers please.” —One of the world’s geekiest jokes   Things change. Sometimes…
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