August 15, 2017 — DOSIsoft SA announced the official release, with CE marking, of ISOgray Treatment Planning System (TPS) release 4.3 for proton therapy with active scanning beams (pencil beam scanning). The milestone was achieved through close collaboration with Institut Curie - Protontherapy Center of Orsay (ICPO) in France.
Due to the high energy of proton beams and specific dose deposit phenomena, proton therapy planning requires particular dose computation accuracy for dealing with uncertainties, according to the dose delivery technique.
ISOgray-Proton software is now available for modeling and computing dose distributions with double scattering beams and pencil beam scanning (PBS) technologies of IBA proton radiotherapy treatment machines.
The latest development offers new features such as:
- Single Field Uniform Dose (SFUD) optimization to deliver a uniform dose per field in a target volume; and
- Exacor module used to carry out PBS verification plans as well as to compare the results obtained with measurements from various detectors (e.g., IBA-MatriXX).
Robust optimization algorithms based on the Pencil Beam Kernel dose calculation model are available with user-friendly interface to offer highly conformal treatments.
In the context of a modernization project of its center begun in 2010, ICPO near Paris, France and DOSIsoft have been collaborating actively since then for new algorithm implementation and joint research activities.
“As the first center in France to implement ISOgray-Proton, ICPO confirms the promising results from the partnership. This proton therapy planning technology offers new modalities to facilitate the treatment of tumors situated near important organs and structures like cranial base tumors.” commented Ludovic De Marzi, medical physicist at ICPO.
Read the related article "Imaging Considerations for Proton Therapy Treatment Planning."
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