Definiens is debuting its newly launched Version 2 of Definiens LymphExpert, a CAD software application designed to identify, analyze and measure the size of lymph nodes in CT images over time, making it easier to detect the metastatic spread of cancer. Definiens LymphExpert Version 2 is based on a thin-client architecture which gives radiologists remote access to image analysis and 3D rendering on a central server. Radiologists can access the software anytime and anywhere, with fast access to all patient images and tools across multiple interconnected sites and the Internet.
Definiens LymphExpert analyzes lymph nodes in 3D and visualizes their volume, providing a truer picture than current RECIST and WHO guidelines, which are only one- and two-dimensional. The new version of Definiens LymphExpert enables users to conduct analysis of different time points with automatic calculation of comparative results allowing judgment of tumor progression, remission or stable disease.
With Definiens LymphExpert Version 2, interactive processing and visualization computing takes place on an application server rather than having imaging data transmitted to the client upfront for processing. Image analysis results can now be obtained even faster and at a lower hardware cost. Definiens LymphExpert Version 2 also features predefined diagnostic reports with an easy “drag and drop” function to insert analyzed images or result comparison tables with various export functionalities.
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