January 30, 2008 - Children’s Hospital Boston said this week it selected ImageNow enterprise document management, imaging and workflow from Perceptive Software to assist in reducing manual efforts in invoice processing while increasing the department’s level of accuracy.
Utilizing ImageNow as its primary data entry, searching and reporting solution, Children’s Hospital Boston said it will eliminate the traditional back-office data entry process by automating the capture of relevant information for both purchase order and non-purchase order invoices. After capturing the required information, ImageNow provides instant access to invoice details in a modifiable version that accompanies the invoice through a simple workflow process. During the workflow process, the hospital will utilize ImageNow to incorporate electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions as well as check data when necessary.
The hospital says the goal of replacing a paper-based process with automated workflow is to improve document tracking and visibility and eliminate the delays and costs associated with duplicating and distributing hard copies of approximately 100,000 purchase order invoices and approximately 55,000 non-purchase order invoices, many of which are two pages in length.
For more information: www.childrenshospital.org/newsroom