April 9, 2020 — Care Mentor AI is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system that will accelerate the analysis of chest radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans of patients that probably have viral pneumonia, which now, in the current epidemiological situation, is most likely caused by coronavirus. At the moment, the accuracy of the neural network according to X-ray studies is 84 percent (on the part of internal data). The company works with public data sets on computing power, some of which are provided by the company's partner, NVIDIA. Data is marked by experienced radiologists in a specially developed interface.
Care Mentor AI works in collaboration with leading Russian scientific and clinical teams, including experts in the field of radiation diagnostics from St. Petersburg State University and the Mariinsky Hospital. the company has created a unique, innovative computer vision systems based on artificial neural networks. These systems are used to detect lung pathologies according to X-ray, and will also be used to identify lung pathologies according to native chest CT. Its neural network models are equally precise as a qualified radiologists, but they exceed human capacity in productivity.
Care Mentor AI proposes a system for the analysis of chest radiographs. In modern conditions of the widespread availability of X-ray equipment, this can dramatically change the situation with the detection of new cases of the disease in a short time.
For more information: carementor.me/contact
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