July 9, 2008 - The next in a series of hands-on radiology courses, supported by Confirma, will be held in San Francisco on July 11-12, covering the topic of “Breast MRI Interpretation and Intervention.”

The faculty will be Elise L. Berman, M.D., director of breast MRI and Mary Perrine, RT (NM) (MRI), chief MRI technologist, Fairfax MRI, Fairfax, VA.

The series of courses are intended to educate physicians and technologists who offer breast MRI examinations and perform MRI-guided breast biopsies. Educational objectives include: assessing the clinical role of breast MRI in patient selection and the detection, diagnosis, and management of breast disease; developing standardized post-processing techniques to determine the morphology and kinetics of lesions in breast MRI; and accurately interpreting and reporting breast MR images in accordance with the ACR BI-RADS. Participants also have the opportunity to review cases using CAD and practice MRI-guided biopsy techniques using a breast biopsy system.

Confirma is also providing a grant along with Bayer Healthcare for a new educational program, Breast MRI Interpretation for Radiologists, led by Constance D. Lehman, M.D., Ph.D., director of radiology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and professor of radiology at the University of Washington and Gillian M. Newstead, M.D., professor of radiology and director of breast imaging at the University of Chicago.

For more information: www.confirma.com/edu-train_calendar.html

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