July 27, 2007 – The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology encourages radiation oncologists to participate in the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI), which runs from July 1 – Dec. 31, 2007.

PQRI establishes a financial incentive for eligible professionals to participate in a voluntary quality reporting program. Eligible professionals who successfully report on a designated set of quality measures for claims dated July 1 to Dec. 31, 2007, may earn a bonus payment, subject to a cap, of 1.5 percent of the total allowed charges for covered Medicare physician fee schedule services.

“Radiation oncology is all about giving quality care and attention to men and women living with a diagnosis of cancer,” said Christopher Rose, M.D., Co-chair of ASTRO’s Quality Steering Committee and a radiation oncologist at Valley Radiotherapy in Los Angeles. “Likewise, the federal government is looking to transition from a typical fee-for-service model to a model that rewards physicians for providing the best care for patients. I encourage my radiation oncology colleagues to participate in the PQRI program and provide feedback as the government explores ways to incorporate quality measures into its payment mechanisms.”

There are two measures that directly apply to radiation oncologists: measure #71; hormonal therapy for stage Ic-III, ER/PR positive breast cancer and measure #74; radiation therapy recommended for invasive breast cancer patients who have undergone breast conserving surgery.

For more information: www.astro.org

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