September 30, 2009 - The founding members of the American Society of Clinical Radiation Oncology (ASCRO) announced its addition as a new professional non-profit organization primarily dedicated to acquiring a "Provider Status" for clinical radiation oncology physicists.
"ASCRO believes that the quality of patient care will be significantly enhanced when clinical radiation oncology physicists are given Provider Status. Such a status will allow them to make professional decisions based solely on the best interest of cancer patients," said Nabil Adnani, Ph.D., ASCRO's president and founding member. "By joining ASCRO in large numbers, clinical radiation oncology physicists will ensure, and for the first time in history, their true place as medical professionals," Dr. Adnani went on to say.
"Finally, a long overdue society is born. Clinical Radiation Oncology Physicists now have an organization they can call their own," said Ivan Brezovich, Ph.D., ASCRO's chairman and founding member.
ASCRO will work with existing organizations and will seek advice from more established professional societies such as the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) in its efforts to obtain a "Provider Status" for its members.

ASCRO was founded in February 2009, ASCRO obtained its non-profit status in April 2009.

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