Technology | October 16, 2007

The new Aquarius iNtuition client reportedly delivers workstation-class applications to regular PCs or PACS stations throughout the department and enterprise. This feature is said to blur the line between advanced 3D workstations and thin-client 3D. Aquarius iNtuition reportedly offers one seamless solution for advanced image management needs.

The iNtuition workflow mantra is “Automate, Validate and Read.” The AquariusAPS server provides real-time automatic pre-processing to perform routine tasks and prepare the case for human interaction. During the validation step, a technologist or physician reviews the work done so far to validate its accuracy. This leads to optimal interpretation with the minimum time requirement from a busy physician.

Aquarius iNtuition also reportedly provides a truly enterprise-class architecture. The company will demonstrate the scalable nature of the solution by deploying a server cluster capable of rendering hundreds of thousands of CT slices concurrently. Data flow to multiple servers is managed with AquariusGATE scheduled routing technology, while rendering load between the servers is managed with automatic, headless load balancing, such that the cluster behaves as one “virtual server,” reportedly delivering a uniform physician experience anywhere in the healthcare enterprise with a common patient list.

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