News | April 29, 2013

Updated Simpson-Bowles proposal, entitled, “A Bipartisan Path Forward to Securing America’s Future”

April 19, 2013 — The Alliance for Integrity in Medicare (AIM), a broad coalition of medical specialty, laboratory, radiation oncology and medical imaging groups committed to ending the practice of inappropriate physician self-referral, announced that it is pleased that the updated Simpson-Bowles proposal recommends constricting the in-office ancillary services (IOAS) exception. AIM has long supported the position expressed by the Moment of Truth Project on physician self-referral.

The organizations comprising the AIM Coalition said that they continue to be gravely concerned about the ongoing misapplication of the IOAS exception to the physician self-referral law. They believe this loophole results in increased spending, unnecessary utilization of medical services, and potentially compromised patient choice and care, thus eroding the integrity of the Medicare program.

The AIM Coalition said it remains steadfastly committed to improving patient care and preserving valuable Medicare resources, and believes the recommendation in the updated Simpson-Bowles proposal is a commendable step towards those ends. AIM strongly urged Congress to follow the lead of the Moment of Truth Project and pass legislation to remove advanced diagnostic imaging, anatomic pathology, radiation therapy and physical therapy from the IOAS exception in the 113th Congress. The AIM Coalition states that reforming this policy will ensure that Medicare patients receive the highest quality and safest health care most appropriate to their needs, and Medicare policy incentives are properly aligned, which is in the best interests of beneficiaries, providers and the nation’s health system overall.

The Alliance for Integrity in Medicare:

  • American Clinical Laboratory Association
  • American College of Radiology
  • American Physical Therapy Association
  • American Society for Clinical Pathology
  • American Society for Radiation Oncology
  • Association for Quality Imaging
  • College of American Pathologists
  • Radiology Business Management Association

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