August 30, 2017 — This is a list of the top breast imaging content so far for 2017. These articles and videos highlight all of the recent trends and recent clinical study data that is impacting women's healthcare. More information can also be found on ITN's "Breast Imaging" website channel.
Finding Value in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Implementing Advanced Breast Imaging Technology
VIDEO: The Impact of Breast Density Technology and Legislation
VIDEO: What is New in Breast Imaging Technology
VIDEO: How Contrast-Enhanced Mammography Will Impact Breast Imaging
VIDEO: Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Will Improve Medical Imaging (includes examples breast automated detection and quantification)
Controversies in Breast Screening
Breast Cancer Deaths Continue Yearly Decline Following Screening Introduction
ABUS Driving Personalized Breast Screening
FDA Clears Senographe Pristina Mammography System With Patient-Assisted Compression
86 Percent of Screening Mammography Patients Want to Know Estimated Risk of Developing Breast Cancer
Fake News: Having Dense Breast Tissue is No Big Deal
VIDEO: Personalized Breast Screening and Breast Density
FDA Approves Fujifilm's 3-D Mammography
FDA Approves High Definition Breast Tomosynthesis from Siemens Healthineers
GE Healthcare Launches Senographe Pristina Mammography System
FDA Updates Radiological Reporting Forms, Annual Reports
Comparison of Screening Recommendations Supports Annual Mammography
Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer More Likely to Get MRI When Informed Directly
Breast Cancers Found by Mammography Do Not Regress If Left Untreated
Are Mammograms Overdiagnosing Small Tumors?
Breast Cancer Screening Disparities Exist for U.S. Minorities
Study Finds Breast Cancer Rates Increasing Among Asian Americans
Breast Cancer Patients With Dense Breast Tissue More Likely to Develop Contralateral Disease
FDA Shares Best Practices for Mammography Record Retention and Transfer Under MQSA
False Positive Mammograms More Likely to Cause Delay of Next Screening
VIDEO: Editor’s Choice of Most Innovative New Technologies at RSNA 2016
FDA Clears DenSeeMammo Breast Density Category Assessment Software
FDA Grants New Physician Labeling to Hologic's Genius 3D Mammography
From Aviation to Breast Imaging - Development of an Abbreviated Breast MRI Protocol
Laser Imaging "Bowl" to Give Instant Test for Breast Cancer
Large Study Finds No Evidence for Age-based Mammography Cut-off
NCCN Guidelines for Chest CT in Breast Cancer Reduce False Positives, Healthcare Spending
Kubtec Introduces Automatic Specimen Alert to Mozart 3-D Tomosynthesis System
Increasing Breast Density Significantly Impacts Breast Cancer Screening Performance
iCAD Receives FDA Approval for PowerLook Tomo Detection
Volpara Solutions to Showcase Volpara Enterprise DDP Software at AHRA 2017
GE Healthcare Announces First U.S. Installation of Senographe Pristina Mammography System
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