April 10, 2023 — Samsung Medical Center (SMC) is the first healthcare provider in the world to receive Stage 7 of the HIMSS digital imaging adoption model (DIAM) maturity model. A DIAM assesses a healthcare organization’s level of digital imaging maturity and provides guidelines for achieving full enterprise imaging.
Infinitt Healthcare Solutions are currently being used at SMC and were demonstrated in clinical settings during the onsite stage 7 validation. They are as follows:
- Infinitt digital pathology solution: All pathology images are managed systematically in a seamless interface with the patient information from the EMR (APLIS), realizing a fully digital pathology imaging workflow and setting the foundation for wider usage of pathology images for various collaborative care and research purposes.
- Infinitt clinical information solution (within the Cardiology Department): All kinds of non-DICOM patient images and multimedia data (such as EKG and EEG) are digitally captured using clinical information solutions (CIS). The system acquires data from all types of non-DICOM clinical devices and enables users to easily view, exchange, store, and manage whatever data they need directly from the EMR.
- Infinitt smart endo (Department of Endoscopy): AI image analysis software enabling real-time, automatic detection and marking of polyps during colonoscopy exams. A certified Level II medical image detection aid software by South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
During the congratulatory speech, the HIMSS validation team commented, “Your digital pathology capabilities were world-class, your utilization of AI in clinical decision augmentation and support was very innovative,” said Julius Bogdan, VP of digital health advisory, HIMSS North America.
During its DIAM Stage 7 validation, HIMSS acknowledged SMC as a “world leader” in digital pathology. “This is the most comprehensive use of integrated digital pathology we have seen,” said Andrew Pearce, HIMSS VP analytics and global advisory lead, in Healthcare IT News.
Jean-Hyoung Lee, manager of IT infrastructure at SMC, shared his thoughts on the Stage 7 DIAM validation in Healthcare IT News, “[Becoming] the world’s first hospital to reach DIAM Stage 7 has great significance to us. It [shows] that our medical imaging information management system fully complies with international standards and is efficiently utilized with the patient’s health as the top priority.”
For more information: http://www.infinittna.com