August 30, 2021 — RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) will be showcasing the latest oncology software innovations at ESTRO 2021, to be held in Madrid Aug. 27-30. Attendees will be able to book demonstrations of the RayStation treatment planning system, RayIntelligence the cloud-based oncology analytics system, and RayCare the oncology information system during the congress.
The latest versions of RayStation 11A and RayCare 5A were released in May 2021. A new feature in the latest RayStation release is dose planning for Accuray’s CyberKnife System for radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). RayStation provides support for optimization with the three different types of collimation – fixed cones, Iris and Incise multi-leaf collimator – as well as all the CyberKnife techniques for Synchrony real-time motion synchronization. The release also includes additional innovations in machine learning for photon therapy planning and robust proton therapy planning, as well as organ segmentation using deep learning with model support for organs in the head and neck, thorax and pelvis regions.
The exhibition will also feature brachytherapy dose planning with automatic reconstruction of treatment channels combined with powerful dwell time optimization, robust proton therapy planning using machine learning techniques, ultra-fast Monte Carlo dose calculation, multicriteria optimization (MCO), Plan Explorer and many other advanced features of RayStation.
The latest RayStation version also provides expanded integration with the oncology information system RayCare and the treatment control system RayCommand, which now enables the clinical workflow to be made even smoother.
New features in RayCare 5A to be showcased at the exhibition include support for managing radiation therapy prescriptions and a new view that provides an overview of patient treatments including information on readiness for treatment. Several features have been added to promote clinical efficiency and improve safety by reducing the number of manual routine tasks. For example, workflow management has been enhanced by the introduction of activity management, support for scripting and several new patient record functions.
RayIntelligence simplifies data integration and supports the analysis of patient and treatment populations, research activities, and workflows, and automatically extracts patient and treatment data from RayStation for visualization and analysis. The first version of RayIntelligence was released in December 2020, and ESTRO 2021 will feature a presentation of the latest version 1C, which has enhanced functionality for analyzing and comparing treatment plans for patient populations.
Participants at ESTRO 2021 are invited to attend the RaySearch lunch symposium, in person or online, on 30 August from 1 pm to 2 pm CEST. RaySearch CEO and founder Johan Löf will introduce RaySearch's product innovations and company news, Dr Kai Schubert from Heidelberg University Hospital in Germany will describe how RayCare facilitates clinical work in a complex treatment environment, Jocelyne Mazurier, Head of Physics, and Gwenaelle Sidorski, PhD student at Oncorad-Group Garonne, Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France, will describe their clinical experience and evaluation of RayStation and its machine-learning algorithms.
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