Feature | June 11, 2013

KLAS research shows DR is becoming standard

June 10, 2013 — A new report from KLAS, “Digital X-Ray Performance 2013: Impact of a Wireless Workflow,” shows providers are seeing big benefits from wireless detector technology. With all of the major vendors offering it and prices coming down, wireless digital radiography (DR) is becoming a standard for digital X-ray room replacements.

Providers report increased efficiency in patient throughput due in part to the reliability and excellent image quality of the wireless solutions. The performance report looks across the spectrum of deliverables that make up a good wireless system and finds Carestream leading the way overall with GE pulling up the rear in a four-point spread. Providers cited reliability issues and some implementation challenges as the primary reasons for GE's lower scores.

"It's great to see wireless technology having a positive impact in healthcare," said Brady Heiner, research director at KLAS and report author. "Seeing providers and vendors leveraging the wireless technology to create efficiencies that directly affect patient flow is win-win for all. This report will help those providers who are looking to go wireless gain confidence and find the right system for their facilities."

KLAS interviewed 201 providers using wireless DR and included their first-hand experience comments about all the vendors in the report. Heiner said Carestream and Philips took the lead with wireless systems with very high marks from their customers.

“Carestream has built on their wireless detector success with the DRX-Evolution. Providers are taking advantage of moving detectors between different rooms or of mobile X-ray systems,” he explained. “Philips has improved their account management with their X-ray customers and is a high performer with image quality and reliability.”

For more information: www.KLASresearch.com

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