June 4, 2012 — Infinitt North America, a provider of image and information management solutions, announced they have become an application partner with InterSystems Corp., headquartered in Cambridge, Mass. InterSystems is a global provider of database, integration, analytics and strategic informatics technologies. The partnership will enable Infinitt to support complex interfacing for multi-facility, disparate PACS (picture archiving and communications system) reading environments.
Through this collaboration, Infinitt will be able to offer InterSystems Ensemble’s rapid integration platform functionality with its own high-end viewing application to address the workflow obstacles radiologists and teleradiology groups face when reading studies from disparate PACS and multiple healthcare facilities.
When reading studies that are sent from disparate PACS, radiologists typically have to log out of one system and log into another, each with its own user ID and password, viewing tools and results reporting workflow. In contrast, Infinitt’s Unified Worklist application receives HL7 orders from the remote sites, converts the incoming messages to a standard data feed, and presents both HL7 messages and DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) images to the Infinitt PACS Viewer.
Transparent to the end user, InterSystems Ensemble carries the messages from one or more systems, reformats them to a consistent format for viewing/reading and contains all logic for routing the images back to the originating site in the correct format. It is fully integrated with the Infinitt PACS, supports web services and all HL7 standard schemas, and offers built-in alerting and monitoring features.
For more information: www.infinitt.com