Riverain SoftView bone suppression technology is designed to increase the clarity of chest X-rays by suppressing the boney structures (ribs, clavicles, etc.). The technology can be applied to every chest X-ray in the hospital, including portables, without the use of specialized imaging equipment, changes in imaging protocols or additional radiation dose to the patient. The technology suppresses bone on PA/AP chest X-rays by utilizing advanced image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning software algorithm. Using advanced bone suppression and image enhancement technology automatically generates a soft tissue image for more confident image interpretations.
A recent study published in Radiology demonstrated that radiologists using Riverain’s advanced visualization software increased their detection of lung cancers and benign nodules by roughly 17 percent than without the use of this technology.
The Riverain SoftView technology will be showcased at RSNA 2011.
For more information: www.riverainmedical.com