August 22, 2011 — Carestream Health launched an enhanced version of its popular Kodak MIN-R 2000 Film for mammography that delivers image quality enhancements along with improved processing stability and reduced processing artifacts. The new MIN-R 2000 Plus Film is being launched worldwide and is available for order in many countries including the United States and Canada.
The new mammography film offers advantages for MIN-R 2000 customers including:
-Higher-D-max and mid-scale contrast
-Cooler, bluer image tone favored by radiologists and mammographers
-Reduced handling and processing artifacts
-Greater stability and less sensitivity to processing variables.
For most applications, the new MIN-R 2000 Plus Film should not require changes to X-ray equipment or significant adjustments in exposure. The new film uses the same screens and cassettes as the Kodak MIN-R 2000 Film.
The double-emulsion MIN-R 2000 Plus Film is used with a single intensifying screen. It is compatible with all Kodak MIN-R Screens and can be used with orthochromatic mammographic screens from other manufacturers. For optimal results, healthcare facilities should use Kodak processing chemistries, screens, cassettes and processors.
Carestream Health offers a comprehensive portfolio of mammographic imaging solutions including its premium Kodak MIN-R EV film, mid-tier MIN-R 2000 Plus Film and value-tier Kodak MIN-R S Film as well as digital imaging products. Its mammographic film systems are designed to address diverse imaging and processing needs worldwide.
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