June 13, 2011 - Expanding upon its radiopharmacy platform, GE Healthcare is introducing new tracers to the FASTlab multi-tracer platform, an advanced positron emission tomography (PET) chemistry system on which the company is also developing PET proprietary agents. The system offers a number of significant enhancements to address the ever-evolving challenges of tracer production. With the addition of three new cassettes, users can access and produce FDG phosphate formulation, NaF, FMISO (HPLC free), FLT (HPLC free) and FDG citrate formulation (equivalent to Tracerlab MX standard formulation) on the same platform.
To facilitate regulatory preparation work, DMF type V, describing the platform, and DMF type II, outlining tracer cassette and synthesis, have been filed with the FDA.
FASTlab is an open-ended platform capable of accommodating new tracers as they are developed, eliminating the need to buy a dedicated synthesis module to process a different tracer. The innovative hardware and user-interface allows for consecutive production of different tracers on the same module. Clinicians just need to swap the cassette and the system is ready for the next tracer. Cassettes are barcoded — when loaded into the system, the processor reads the barcode and automatically downloads the right production parameters and batch information, helping customers achieve CFR 212 cGMP compliance. FASTlab is also a key component of Tracercenter, one source and one complete solution for enabling compliant PET tracer production.
For more information: www.gehealthcare.com