The Aurora 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI System with innovative new UltraRODEO Plus fat and normal ductal tissue suppression technique, AuroraCAD integrated diagnostic software, Aurora SUPERSHIM and fully integrated and easy-to-use MRI-guided AuroraBIOPSY functionality is the only FDA-cleared dedicated breast MRI system on the market. This device utilizes a specialized breast-coil design which provides an elliptical “sweet spot” that images both breasts, chest wall and axillae in a single bilateral scan, without compromise in image contrast or resolution. The continuous, homogeneous image is optimal for evaluation of both breasts.
Utilizing new UltraRODEO Plus technology, system provides specialized pulse sequences fine-tuned to suppress breast fat and normal ductal tissue.
Complementing this, new AuroraSUPERSHIM is a shimming technology specifically developed for breast imaging. The process provides additional fat suppression to boost image quality, reduces hot spots and enables visualization of the axillae along with both breasts.
The system also introduces AuroraCAD, an integrated advanced-image acquisition, processing and analysis software application.
With fully integrated interventional functionality, the system also has a wider aperture for the largest access area to the breasts for MRI-guided biopsies.