PowerBANK Enterprise Edition is a solution for automating the functions of a hospital's blood bank. The system is a component of Eclipsys Sunrise Laboratory, a laboratory information solution (LIS) that helps increase productivity and decrease costs, providing efficient workflow and data management.
PowerBANK Enterprise Edition enables more efficient management of a hospital's blood bank operations by automating the processes from receipt of blood products to monitoring blood products and patient results as well as issue and transfusion documentation. The solution provides functionality for complete product inventory management and includes report capabilities on receipt, release and results of blood products.
PowerBANK Enterprise Edition's cross-matching functionality enables users to enter results from a variety of mandatory tests to ensure product compatibility with the patient. The department may also use serologic or electronic cross-matching procedures based on logics using historical patient information. Users are also able to manage the delivery and transfusion data collection for auditing of the blood product.