September 24, 2007 — Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. announced the launch of the Selector SaberTip for the CUSA Selector ultrasonic surgical aspirator system.

The new Selector SaberTip is designed for surgical applications requiring precise and controlled removal of bone and calcified tissues. The Selector SaberTip attaches to the CUSA Selector's 24 kHz neurosurgical short handpiece, offering surgeons market-leading bone-removal power and fine control, and significantly expanding the CUSA Selector system's surgical versatility and utility.

Unique features include titanium nitride hardening, helical cutting action, and a central aspiration path, which assists in clearing debris from the operative field. The abrasive bone cutting portion of the Selector SaberTip covers half the outer circumference of the probe tip, allowing the surgeon to precisely remove bone without damaging adjacent critical structures.

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