October 26, 2007 - Isodose Control’s Flexitron is a remote afterloading system, developed “from scratch” with more than 100 practical and important safety improvements, according to its manufacturer.

The Flexitron comes with newly designed applicators as well as reportedly simple and fast brachytherapy planning.
The new design presents strong safety improvements based on ICRP Journal recommendations about different errors and mis-administrations carried out with currently available technology.

The reported simplicity of Flexitron, suitable for all clinics and all body-site applications, is a refinement making Brachytherapy the treatment of choice for gynecology, prostate, breast and head and neck treatments.

Flexitron works with commonly used Isotopes and received FDA 510(K) pre-market clearance in April 2007. An impressive range of additional new accessories and new isotopes is in development to make Flexitron suitable for use during treatment in most diagnostic and operating rooms without extensive and expensive room renovation.

For more information: www.isodosecontrol.com

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