February 26, 2008 - Socket Communications Inc. has partnered up with eSUNTech, makers of RxTRAKKER software and the RxTRAKKER RFID wristband, to release the Socket Mobile SoMo 650 hand-held computer with the RxTRAKKER suite, a bundled solution designed to enable quick recall of vital medical information.

The eSUNTech RxTRAKKER RFID wristband is debuting at HIMSS 2008. The RxTRAKKER wristband houses an RFID tag that reportedly contains a mini-database of vital medical information, such as identification, next of kin contact information and doctor’s contact information. The RxTRAKKER wristband also stores information about allergic reactions, medical conditions, blood type, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) status and other information. The RxTRAKKER stores and accesses the patient medical information right on and from the wristband RFID tag instead of on and from a remote database, said the company.

eSUNTech has bundled the RxTRAKKER suite with the Socket Mobile SoMo 650 and CF RFID Reader Series 6 for an RFID and barcode tracking solution. The eSUNTech / Socket Mobile solution is endorsed by ICE4SAFETY, a public service organization that encourages practical preparedness tools, said the company.

The RxTRAKKER solution is targeted toward assisted living centers, nursing care facilities, cruise ships, special needs personnel, speech / hearing impaired and field workers.

For more information: www.socketmobile.com

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