June 5, 2008 – Nikon Instruments Inc. and Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine will open a collaborative core microscopy imaging center, establishing a partnership that aims to bring improved research capabilities to Northwestern, while providing feedback for Nikon product development.

One of only three such centers in the U.S., according to Nikon, the Northwestern Nikon Imaging Center will be equipped with the latest technology in light microscopy imaging systems and will be instrumental in ongoing biomedical research.

The Feinberg School’s Cell Imaging Center will house the latest generation of microscopy equipment, beginning with the Nikon C1Si Confocal and Live Scan Swept-filed Confocal microscopes. The Live Scan Swept-field Confocal microscope allows users to rapidly capture images of fast moving live cell events and samples that are sensitive to light. The C1Si Confocal microscope combines two imaging techniques, confocal and spectral imaging, to view a complete “stack” of images, providing 3D spectrally separated cellular information that is acquired at faster rates and higher resolution than typically available when these techniques are done separately.

The facility joins imaging centers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Francisco.

For more information: www.nikoninstruments.com

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