June 24, 2008 – American TeleCare Inc. (ATI) said today Presbyterian Home Healthcare of Albuquerque, NM will utilize ATI’s LifeView Telehealth System to support its “Hospital At Home” program.

Presbyterian has used ATI’s system for its telemedicine and disease management programs since 2001. The new agreement will increase the number of ATI LifeView stations deployed by Presbyterian Home Healthcare to more than 100 units.
“American TeleCare’s LifeView system supports video televisits as well as monitoring of patients at home, and we need the flexibility to do both in ‘Hospital At Home,’” said Lesley Cryer, executive director, Presbyterian Home Healthcare. “The diagnostic devices available with ATI’s system, especially ATI’s integrated CareTone Telephonic Stethoscopes, are also essential for us to provide high-level care to patients at home.”

ATI’s LifeView Telehealth System combines remote patient monitoring with interactive video for televisits. LifeView Patient Stations are placed in patients’ homes. They are compact monitors that gather information from questions that patients answer as well as objective clinical data from integrated medical peripherals (including blood pressure monitors and blood glucose meters). Care teams use LifeView Provider Stations to connect to Patient Stations, manage ongoing monitoring, conduct televisits, and carry out care plans.

Hospital At Home is a model that aims to provide hospital-level care in patients’ home as a full substitute for acute hospital care.

For more information: www.americantelecare.com, www.phs.org

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