January 20, 2011 – Researchers say radiofrequency fields can successfully treat pancreatic tumors, which kill more than 95 percent of diagnosed patients. Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation (KCRF) announced research conducted in the Kanzius/Curley Lab at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center was published in the December 2010 issue of the American Association of Cancer Research's Clinical Cancer Research journal.

Studies found that noninvasive radiofrequency (RF) fields were effective in controlling relatively large malignant pancreatic tumors. Additionally, this process took place without any injury to surrounding tissue or changes in non-human subject behavior. The manuscript illustrates how doctors Steven A. Curley and Evan S. Glazer's studies prove that radiofrequency fields can treat pancreatic tumors
The manuscript describes the process as non-human subjects are exposed to 10 minutes of nonionizing RF radiation followed by 36 hours of treatment using targeted gold nanoparticles (AuNP). This data shows the Kanzius RF machine alongside these particular nanoparticles create an effective formula for controlling pancreatic cancer cells.

"John Kanzius, who created the RF device, once envisioned a cancer treatment that would be both effective and have zero side effects," said Curley, chief of gastrointestinal tumor surgery and program director of multidisciplinary gastrointestinal cancer care at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. "These experiments demonstrate that the Kanzius RF device controls pancreatic cancer cells without any damage to nearby cells, or normal tissues and organs. We still have a lot of work to do but this is an important proof of principle."

"Every day, our team at the Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation works to help fund this incredible research," said Mark Neidig, executive director of KCRF. "These recent findings bring us one step closer to producing an effective, noninvasive cancer treatment that doesn't have the side effects associated with current treatments like chemotherapy and radiation."

This manuscript "Noninvasive Radiofrequency Field Destruction of Pancreatic Andenocarcinoma Xenografts Treated with Targeted Gold Nanoparticles" can be found at http://www.kanziuscancerresearch.org/research/published_research_manusc….

For more information: www.Kanzius.org

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