February 23, 2010 - The American College of Radiology (ACR) has launched an online nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography (PET) accreditation application program that streamlines the process and significantly reduces the time it takes for nuclear medicine and PET facilities to become accredited.
The ACR nuclear medicine and PET accreditation programs are the latest modalities to allow providers to apply online via the new “ACRedit” system enabling facilities to more quickly and efficiently move through the accreditation process.
“The most notable benefit to the new online system is the speed: the process has enabled accreditation approval time to be cut in half, meaning facilities can expect a final report in less than three months from the time they submit their images for review. In addition, ACR’s fee structure is simple and transparent, and the ACR, unlike other accrediting bodies, does not require a fee to access the application or an annual fee,” said Harvey L. Neiman, MD, FACR, American College of Radiology Chief Executive Officer.
The ACR has accredited more than 20,000 facilities nationwide and has added to its staff of certified radiologic technologists to guide providers through all stages of the accreditation process. ACR accreditation is a comprehensive, yet flexible process where evaluators pay special attention to image quality in addition to equipment, quality control procedures, quality assurance programs, and personnel qualifications.
“ACR accreditation is highly educational, helps facilities strengthen their quality assurance, and demonstrates to patients, payers, and government agencies a commitment to providing quality care. Patients often seek out facilities with ACR accreditation which allows facilities to use their ACR accredited status as a valuable marketing and patient outreach tool,” said Neiman.
Effective Jan. 1 2012, all providers who bill for PET, MRI, CT and nuclear medicine under part B of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule must be accredited in order to receive technical component reimbursement from Medicare. The ACR, recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as national medical imaging accrediting body, has the experience, expertise, and infrastructure to help large numbers of advanced medical imaging providers gain accredited status by Jan. 1 2012 as mandated by the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA).
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