Unlike whole-body MRI systems, which require after-market modifications to image the breast, the Aurora 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI is designed from the inside out, specifically for breast anatomy.
Every functional component of the system, from the patient bed, to the proprietary CAD system, to the integrated biopsy capability, is created specifically for breast MRI.
To fully understand the advantages of the Aurora Breast MRI System, it’s important to first understand each individual component, and how they work in concert to deliver a truly comprehensive and seamlessly integrated breast MRI solution for your practice.
Some of the key features include:
AuroraSUPERSHIM, which provides:
* optimal high-quality fat suppression for both breasts
* improved efficiency of data acquisition
* a greater reduction in hot spots
* a better visualization of the axillae in the same acquisition as bilateral breast studies
* a large, homogeneous, elliptical imaging area
AuroraCAD, which provides:
* The AuroraCAD software facilitates diagnosis by presenting simultaneous axial, sagittal and coronal views of any acquisition or post-processed image set using multi-planar reconstruction.
* The AuroraCAD allows for side-by-side comparison of pre-and post-contrast images, subtractions, 3-D projection images, enhancement curves and more.
* The AuroraCAD provides the ultimate efficiency for the physician and the technologist by improving workflow and maximizing patient throughput.
* The AuroraCAD is DICOM-compatible.
Rotating Delivery of Excitation Off Resonance-RODEO, Rotating Delivery of Excitation Off Resonance (RODEO), is a proprietary pulse sequence is designed for selective water excitation. Fat is not excited, resulting in fewer artifacts. Compared with other water excitation methods, RODEO is more efficient and produces cleaner images and fewer artifacts. Motion artifacts, especially cardiac and respiratory motion are reduced using RODEO versus conventional scanners. RODEO has built-in fibroglandular tissue suppression for better imaging of dense breasts.