Known as GPS for the Body technology, the Calypso System utilizes miniature implanted Beacon transponders to provide precise, continuous, real-time information about the location of the tumor target during external beam radiation therapy. Any movement by the patient, including internal movement of the tumor, has the potential to compromise treatment accuracy. In contrast to other tumor-targeting solutions, Calypso's GPS for the Body technology provides continuous objective tumor position information, thereby enabling the correct radiation dose to be delivered to the tumor while minimizing the amount of radiation misapplied to normal tissue.
In May 2008 the System was cleared by the FDA for post-prostatectomy patients at risk for or diagnosed with recurrent prostate cancer. Studies indicate up to 20 percent of prostatectomy patients are diagnosed with recurrent prostate cancer following surgery and require adjuvant or salvage radiation therapy.
This technology platform is designed to provide continuous tracking information during external beam radiation therapy without adding ionizing radiation.
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