June 10, 2009 – MDS Nordion said today it commenced the manufacture of CardioGen-82 (rubidium Rb 82 generators) for Bracco Diagnostics Inc.
MDS Nordion has designed and built a dedicated manufacturing suite within its FDA-approved, Good Manufacturing Practices-compliant production facility in Ottawa. Production of CardioGen-82 began yesterday.
CardioGen-82, the only generator-based, cardiac Positron Emission Tomography (PET) perfusion imaging agent approved by the FDA, produces Rb-82 using a specialized generator technology. Once administered to the patient, Rb-82 is used as a PET imaging tracer for perfusion studies of the heart to examine blood flow through heart vessels. PET is a highly sensitive medical imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image of the functioning heart, allowing the cardiologist to identify regions of the heart muscle receiving poor blood flow.
For more information: www.braccoimaging.com, www.mdsnordion.com, www.mdsintl.com