May 7, 2009 – The Alliance for a Stronger FDA today praised the FDA's President’s Budget Request for devices and radiological health for fiscal year 2010 (FY 10) of $315 million, up from $280 million in FY 09, yet below the Alliance Preliminary Request for FY10 is $340 million.

The Alliance added that this is “a significant step forward in matching FDA’s resources with the ever-increasing responsibilities of the agency.”

The President’s request is for $295 million in additional budget authority appropriations (excludes user fees), for a total of $2.350 billion in FY 10.

“There is now tangible evidence of Presidential commitment to FDA,” said Wayne Pines, President of the Alliance, whose 180 members are dedicated to strengthening FDA through increased funding. He added: “With these added funds, the incoming FDA commissioner can move forward on restoring confidence in FDA’s ability to protect and advance the public health.”

“More resources are essential tools for FDA to meet the most pressing needs today and start to plan for the challenges tomorrow, next year and five years from now,” said Donald Kennedy, an Alliance board member and former Commissioner of FDA.
According to the Alliance, the President’s request for 9166 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees finally brings the agency up to the staffing level of 9167 FTE’s that it had in 1994. These numbers exclude user fee staffing.

“Every year, the agency’s job becomes more complex scientifically and more difficult to implement, straining the FDA’s ability to meet the expectations of the Congress and the American people,” said William Hubbard, Alliance spokesperson and former Deputy Commissioner at FDA. “While these staffing numbers are encouraging, they also demonstrate how much additional investment in FDA will be needed.”

The Alliance for a Stronger FDA has 180 members who are united in their belief that a strong FDA benefits all Americans. Our members include consumer, patient, professional and research groups, industry, trade associations, and individuals. The Alliance, now in its third year, is the only multi-stakeholder group that advocates for increasing resources at FDA to match the agency’s responsibilities.

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