February 2, 2009 – Motion Computing, a mobile computing and wireless communications, and Sig-Tec, an identity and access management software company, said today that they have created a partnership to deliver solutions for mobility, information security and clinical workflow.

The partnership comes after several joint client initiatives at major healthcare and academic organizations where the companies reportedly implemented solutions that improve workflows, free up resources and improve patient experiences.

Motion and Sig-Tec jointly support their solution through Motion’s Mobility Solutions group, a dedicated team that specializes in reportedly creating the best working environment by maximizing mobility, technology and software as they team with their clients to understand desired clinical workflow behavior and wireless network infrastructure needs and requirements. With the addition of Sig-Tec’s identity and access management software, organizations have the ability to quickly address application management (single sign-on), identity management (strong authentication) and session management (fast user switching, hot desktop, single patient selection/context management) for ultimate workflows.

An example of the solution is deployed at a major university healthcare organization. Of the many configuration options available, the solution establishes improvements to workflow including one-step biometric fingerprint authentication for clinicians to gain access to applications and patient records on Motion C5 mobile clinical assistants (MCAs). Clinicians need access to the MCAs and applications upwards of 100 times a day. Now, rather than manually typing a username and complex password each time, adding minutes to each interaction and detracting from overall patient care, the C5s with embedded fingerprint readers and Sig-Tec’s AppStarter SSO solution allow the clinicians to significantly improve the speed, ease and accuracy of patient care.

Whether healthcare organizations are just beginning to investigate mobile solutions or are seeking to improve existing identity and access management processes, Sig-Tec and Motion reportedly have proven experience in delivering industry-leading solutions. The companies will work together to make the solutions available through Motion’s network of distribution partners.

For more information: www.sig-tec.com, www.motioncomputing.com

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