December 23, 2008 - The Moscow Municipal University of Psychology and Education in Moscow, Russia, and the University of Trento in Trento, Italy, have ordered Elekta Neuromag, equipment for noninvasive measurement of brain activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG) technology, for research purposes.
MEG is a tool for studying normal brain function and brain disorders. Elekta Neuromag reportedly provides real-time mapping of brain activity by noninvasively measuring the magnetic fields produced by the brain. Electrical activity in neurons in the brain produce magnetic fields that pass through brain tissue and the skull, which can then be recorded outside the head using Elekta Neuromag.
The first whole-head MEG in Russia, neuroscientists and those in related fields at the Moscow Municipal University of Psychology and Education, plan to use Elekta Neuromag for clinically oriented research applications, such as autism in children. The University also plans to employ MEG technology for cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology research such as the study of human emotion and brain abnormalities.
Dedicated to brain and cognitive neuroscience research, a large group of researchers at the University of Trento’s Center of Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) plan to use Elekta Neuromag to explore various fields of neuroscience such as sensory processing, attention and action control, language, formation of concepts and cognitive development.
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