Insight’s OmniCare System Women’s Center Manager 7.2 includes numerous features with an emphasis on streamlined workflow, increased productivity and seamless integration for any healthcare environment.
OmniCare is a modular system, offering clients the opportunity to pick and choose the options to suit their needs and budget. Some of the key modules are EMR, scheduling, patient workflow, mammography / MQSA, transcription/radiologist reporting, nurse navigator/case management and a new cancer screening / preventive care. The new version builds on these core modules and several others with easier navigation and better looking screens. The reporting system has been revamped and allows for export of reports to PDFs, documents, excel sheets and more.
Included in this new release is the OmniGate Interface engine. In addition to full HL7 and file- based integration with hospital, radiology, PACS and billing systems, Insight has added a full DICOM Worklist integration. This enables OmniCare to integrate directly with digital mammography, sonography, MRI and other modalities.
November 2008