August 20, 2008 — FiatLux Imaging Inc. — a high-tech company founded by former Microsoft software veterans — said the FDA cleared the release of its medical imaging application, the FiatLux Visualize, that capitalizes on advanced video game technology reportedly to create high-quality 3D and 2D image reformations from CT and MRI scans at a fraction of the cost of current medical imaging technology.
Engineers at FiatLux Imaging have leveraged the functionality of DirectX game programming protocols reportedly to create a powerful, easy-to-use medical image analysis tool for use by physicians virtually anywhere, anytime.
Now available for purchase at under $3,000, FiatLux Visualize runs on off-the-shelf PCs and laptops with standard graphics cards, and offers health care professionals an affordable and portable alternative to traditional 3D/2D processing workstations, which typically have been restricted to hospital radiology departments and radiology centers. This flexible approach potentially broadens the use of 3D/2D image post-processing in surgical planning and patient consultation. The company said it is of particular benefit to neurosurgeons, cardiologists and orthopedists, as well as other specialists such as surgeons.
FiatLux Visualize provides physicians with an efficient way of viewing CT and MRI scans that also provides useful information in certain medical applications.
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