July 9, 2008 – The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) today applauded the U.S. Congress for passing Medicare legislation that preserves seniors access to life-saving diagnostic and therapeutic imaging technologies.

MITA said the accreditation and appropriateness criteria provisions in the legislation are important steps toward ensuring proper utilization of medical imaging services.

“We are pleased that Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have embraced appropriateness criteria and accreditation as the best approach to addressing utilization," said Andrew Whitman, vice president, MITA. “MITA applauds the work the Congress has put forth to ensure that this final Medicare bill ensures American seniors will be able to continue accessing the medical imaging technology they need to detect and fight serious illnesses such as cancer, heart and vascular disease and orthopedic conditions.”

For more information: www.medicalimaging.org

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