December 4, 2007 - "ER," the long-running drama on NBC, will feature a new star on its 300th episode, NeuroLogica's portable CT scanner CereTom, optimized for Otolaryngology, enabling ENT doctors to cost-effectively scan patients in-office for a quicker diagnosis.
The CereTom, a compact CT system that weighs approximately 750 pounds, is designed for use in the ER, OR, ICU, MICU, SICU, NICU, interventional suite or medical clinics. The system is optimized for scanning anatomy that can be imaged in the 25-centimeter field of view, primarily head and neck. The stem generates up to eight slices per revolution. The system's battery can be recharged in any standard wall outlet and, according to the manufacturer, holds enough power to image four to eight patients.
The CT scanner is no stranger to Hollywood, the CereTom has already appeared on "Grey's Anatomy" and is being used by the Indianapolis Colts and the Oakland Raiders as the only CT scanner capable of scanning injured players within the stadium.
Catch the CereTom Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007, 10 a.m. Eastern/9 p.m. Central time on NBC.
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