The Unity SpeedSuite, a recently FDA-approved U-Arm DR system is designed with motorized, multiposition single detector flexibility and single button auto-positioning capability.
The system encompasses FDR’s totally automated digital X-ray that can perform a variety of exams including both table-based and upright procedures. The system includes the company’s IIP workstation that offers image processing tools and user interface. The system works for many clinical applications including general radiography, emergency departments, dedicated chest rooms or even outpatient care facilities, such as an orthopedic office.
The new system features a single-button auto positioning and technique settings along with a Flash IIP technologist workstation that offers three-step processing and a common interface for FUJI CR and DR users. The system comes equipped with Harmonized Soft Copy (HSP) display parameters, allowing images to be presented to further enhance soft copy visualization when displayed at a PACS workstation.
Unity SpeedSuite includes a wireless handheld remote and site-customizable settings, allowing users to program the exams that they perform most frequently. Reportedly requiring a smaller footprint than traditional DR systems, it provides an option for space-constrained rooms. Unity SpeedSuite also includes SpeedLink X-ray Control Software, an interface between the Flash IIP workstation and the X-ray generator. By automatically setting all exposure settings for each exam according to FUJIFILM's anatomical menu parameters, SpeedLink eliminates workflow steps and saves time.
April 2008