
To avoid errors and increase patient safety in radiation therapy, the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) published a white paper (“Radiation Therapy Safety: The Critical Role of the Radiation Therapist” by Teresa G Odle, BA, ELS, and Natasha Rosier, MHA, MBA, R.T.(R)(T)) to provide background on the radiation therapist’s role in safe treatment delivery.

Time April 04, 2012

New guidelines for CT-guided biopsies of lung nodules significantly reduce radiation exposure, allowing individuals the benefit of the procedure, which may cut down on overall lung cancer deaths. This research was presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's (SIR) 37th Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco.

Time April 03, 2012

Breast cancer patients whose treatment includes radiation therapy are at higher risk of complications after implant-based breast reconstruction, reports a study in the April issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Time April 03, 2012

Fujifilm Medical Systems USA Inc. unveiled the Aspire CRm Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) system, the latest addition to the company’s expanding women’s health offering. The Aspire CRm is an ideal option for smaller, stand-alone breast imaging centers that want to easily transition from analog to digital imaging.

Time April 03, 2012

Incidences of renal complications, specifically acute renal failure (ARF) and new hemodialysis (HD), continue to increase significantly among Medicare beneficiaries (MB) admitted for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This was according to a study presented last week at the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) 61st Annual Scientific Session.

Time April 03, 2012
Case Study

In July 2011, Evergreen Hospital Medical Center’s Breast Health Center was the first comprehensive breast center in the Pacific Northwest to implement tomosynthesis. The growing 272-bed community hospital serves the Eastside suburbs of Seattle. Its goal is to provide leading-edge technology while focusing on a personalized, compassionate patient experience.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Albert Xthona

Millions of women are screened for breast cancer every year, resulting in tens of millions of X-ray images that need to be read. There are vast differences among today’s reading rooms, with many radiologists expressing concern about the conditions in either their workplace or the workplaces of their colleagues. Now that softcopy mammography screening is becoming commonplace, there is an opportunity to revisit the mammography reading room.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Helen Kuhl

The landscape of the teleradiology marketplace continued to evolve in 2011, and it is likely that some of the changes that took place will to have an effect into 2012. Teleradiology trends were noted in a recent report, “Teleradiology Services 2011: Times are Changing,” compiled by KLAS. Imaging Technology News discussed the findings with Emily Crane, research director/teleradiology for KLAS.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Jef Williams

It’s difficult, they say, to accurately gauge the impact of change without the benefit of time and historical perspective. Yet, some change brings a sense that nothing will ever be the same. Much of the discussion surrounding accountable care organizations (ACOs) has fallen along typical party lines of resistance — referencing formerly failed reimbursement and payment initiatives and arguing that the cost of entry is prohibitive, while realized savings are minimal.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Samuel E. Friedman, M.D., Pitts Radiolo

To know where you are going generally requires knowing where you’ve been, and this is as true for medical technology as for most anything else. Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are now ubiquitous, found in just about every radiology department in the United States. Those of you who read my blog ( probably see me as “an average radiologist in an average practice in an average town in the South.” But there is one thing that sets our group apart from many others around the nation — the fact that we were early adopters of PACS.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Michael Gensheimer, M.D.; Mark Phillips,

In arc therapy, a linear accelerator gantry moves in a continuous arc around the target while delivering radiation dose. Patients have been routinely treated with this technology since the 1980s, when it was put into use for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) of the brain. The advantage was that the low-dose region was spread out over a larger amount of healthy brain, reducing treatment toxicity.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Helen Kuhl

Few imaging market segments have seen as much activity in the past six to nine months as digital radiography (DR) has. Comprising everything from retrofit kits to full suites — with a score of wireless options — the marketplace is filled with vendors improving old systems, introducing new ones and getting their products into more healthcare providers’ hands.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Dave Fornell

While computed tomography (CT) has revolutionized medical imaging, it has also required much higher doses of ionizing radiation than was previously used in traditional X-ray imaging. In recent years, vendors have turned their attention to developing technology to drastically reduce dose.

Time April 03, 2012
Feature | Blaise Hope

With the advent of handheld ultrasound systems, the idea of a doctor in the emergency department (ED) with an ultrasound clipped to his keyboard is not too far-fetched. We are not there yet, but competition is growing in the market. While there are signs the market has begun to mature, there also are signs it could expand into new territory.

Time April 03, 2012

Soma Access Systems LLC received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its AxoTrack sterile procedure kit. Portable ultrasound maker Terason also recently received 510(k) clearance for the first ultrasound probe to be equipped with Soma’s patented AxoTrack virtual needle technology.

Time April 02, 2012

It seems a picture is worth more than a thousand words for people who see evidence of coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease in men and women. Simply seeing a build-up of calcium in the walls of arteries appears to prompt patients to better adhere to both statin therapy and recommendations for weight loss, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 61st Annual Scientific Session in Chicago.

Time April 02, 2012

Interventional radiology treatments re-establish blood flow in people with chronic deep vein thrombosis (DVT), reducing disabling symptoms and improving the quality of life for those afflicted with post-thrombotic syndrome—an under-recognized but frequent long-term complication of DVT. Researchers presented these findings during March's DVT Awareness Month at the Society of Interventional Radiology's (SIR) 37th Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco.

Time April 02, 2012

April 2, 2012 — Two new studies demonstrate the cosmetic and dosimetric advantages of the SAVI breast brachytherapy applicator for treatment of early-stage breast cancer. The studies were presented as scientific posters at national medical conferences and were drawn from 12 centers participating in the SAVI Collaborative Research Group.

Time April 02, 2012
Videos | Breast Imaging

Gary Levine, M.D., program chair/incoming president of the National Consortium of Breast Centers, gives an overview of ...

Time March 30, 2012
Sponsored Content | Videos | Mammography

Philips' new Microdose digital mammography system provides comfort for the patient, efficiency for the physician and ...

Time March 30, 2012
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