Technology | Pediatric Imaging

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device specifically for neonatal brain and head imaging in neonatal intensive care units (NICU).

Time July 21, 2017
Videos | CT Angiography (CTA)

DAIC and ITN Editor Dave Fornell discusses some of the most innovative new computed tomography (CT) technology and ...

Time July 21, 2017
News | Patient Engagement

Despite time and workload constraints, radiologists are looking for ways to become more directly involved in the care of their patients, according to the findings of a recent survey of radiologists, published online in the journal Radiology.

Time July 20, 2017
News | Brachytherapy Systems

July 20, 2017 — Rates of recurrence in early-stage non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) patients were virtually identical if ...

Time July 20, 2017
News | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

In a large, first-of-its-kind population, researchers found an experimental technique known as three-dimensional vascular ultrasound (3DVUS) estimated the quantification of plaque burden (in cubic millimeters) as an important addition to conventional risk factor profile in addressing patient risk stratification.

Time July 20, 2017
News | Digital Radiography (DR)

Kubtec announced the launch a new website focused on the applications of digital X-ray imaging and irradiation for research, industrial testing and forensic applications.

Time July 20, 2017
News | Radiation Dose Management

July 19, 2017 — The American College of Radiology (ACR) recently collaborated with professional medical societies to ...

Time July 19, 2017
News | Cardiovascular Ultrasound

Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Ga., recently installed three new Aplio 500 Platinum CV ultrasound systems from Toshiba Medical, a Canon Group company, in its cardiology department. To support ultrasound capabilities in the intensive care unit (ICU), Floyd Medical also installed the Xario 200 Platinum Series ultrasound system. Floyd Medical is leveraging the systems for strain imaging, pediatric and fetal echocardiography and stress echocardiography.

Time July 19, 2017
News | Analytics Software

During the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) 2017 general closing session held in Pittsburgh, Fabien Beckers, Ph.D., CEO, and founder of Arterys, and his team, were awarded the $10,000 Innovation Challenge grand prize. Arterys was awarded for the project, Intelligent Imaging Platform Supporting Translational Research and New Product Creation. The project addresses the need for simple, comprehensive, quantitative and repeatable imaging that demonstrates the power of cloud medical imaging analytics to enable big data and precision diagnostics in the areas of oncology, cardiology and neurodegenerative diseases.

Time July 19, 2017
News | Radiation Therapy

July 19, 2017 — The members of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) have elected three new officers to ...

Time July 19, 2017
News | Radiation Therapy

July 19, 2017 — RAD Technology Medical Systems announced their most recent project at Glendale Adventist Medical Center ...

Time July 19, 2017
Videos | Radiology Business

Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA) President Jason Newmark, CRA, FAHRA, and CEO Ed Cronin highlight the ...

Time July 19, 2017
News | Radiation Dose Management

Medic Vision, a pioneer and US market leader in 3rd party XR-29 standard solutions, announced July 19 that it was granted a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on its XR-29 Dose-Check system (Patent No. 9693747), which is an integral part of the notable market-leading SafeCT-29 product suite.

Time July 19, 2017
Videos | CT Angiography (CTA)

Matthew Budoff, M.D., FACC, professor of medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, endowed chair of preventive ...

Time July 19, 2017
Videos | CT Angiography (CTA)

Leslee Shaw, Ph.D., director of clinical research and professor of medicine at Emory University, Atlanta, and past ...

Time July 19, 2017
Feature | Contrast Media | By Dave Fornell

Here are several updates in medical imaging contrast media agents. Two of the biggest news items were related to safety ...

Time July 28, 2017
News | Contrast Media

July 18, 2017 — Guerbet recently announced that it will phase out sales throughout the world of two products: Hexabrix ...

Time July 18, 2017
News | Proton Therapy

IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) and Inova recently signed a contract for a two-room Proteus Plus proton therapy solution, each treatment room equipped with pencil beam scanning capability and integrated cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Inova plans to start treating patients by 2020 at the Inova Schar Cancer Institute on the Inova Center for Personalized Health campus in Annandale, Va.

Time July 18, 2017
News | Clinical Decision Support

National Decision Support Company announced the full qualification of its CareSelect Platform as a Qualified Clinical Decision Support Mechanism (qCDSM) by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The qualification indicates compliance with the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) provisions under the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).

Time July 18, 2017
News | Radiology Business | Jeff Zagoudis, Associate Editor

Last-minute defections from two Republican senators early Tuesday ensured the chamber’s version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) would not have enough votes to secure passage. President Trump and GOP leadership indicated that despite this latest defeat, they would continue to work on legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as ObamaCare.

Time July 18, 2017
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